Dirty Little Secrets of COVID Vaccines

As you undoubtedly know, this week marks the roll-out of the first SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. The average person, relying on the mainstream media and the leftist tech billionaires of social media, thinks this is the wonderful awaking from a long nightmare. Most look at this as the beginning of a return to normal life. It isn’t, by the so-called “authorities” admission, but more on that later. Let’s look at some questions under the banner of “dirty little secrets.”


We’ve all heard that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines currently being distributed are 95% effective, but is that really true? I discovered an amazing fact in an article written by Joseph Mercola, D.O. (that I’ll later link to). Dr. Mercola writes:

Add to the fact that the vaccines are only evaluated for their ability to reduce symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of their severity. It’s entirely unknown whether they’ll actually lower the risk of infection, hospitalization or death


Now I didn’t know that until today, and I’ll bet you didn’t know that either. So when they say it’s 95% effective, they simply mean it reduced the severity of the infection, NOT that it prevented the infection.

On top of this, many of the so-called authorities are pouring cold water on any idea that people getting vaccinated provides the path back to normalcy. Dr. Vin Gupta on Meet the Press stated that in spite of getting the vaccine, people still need to wear masks and not travel. He said you can still spread the disease to others after being vaccinated and that nothing has changed until everyone gets their two doses (which won’t happen since half the population will refuse the vaccine). So the point of the vaccine is what?


There’s good news and bad news on this front. The good news is that these vaccines are different than the typical ones. Your not being injected with a bunch of dead germs. Quoting David Eifrig, MD, in his newsletter, Retirement Millionaire:

. . . Moderna and the Pfizer/BioNTech team created vaccines that use messenger RNA, known as mRNA. RNA is the counterpart to DNA. It uses DNA’s genetic material to “message” instruction about how to carry out cellular function. In particular, mRNA holds the instruction to build proteins . . . In theory, an mRNA vaccine could turn any cell into a factory for making a protein. Put another way, you wouldn’t even inject people with drugs — you’d inject them with instructions for making the drugs. The mRNA gets into the cells of the immune system and tells them how to produce the right antibodies to defeat the disease.

However, Dr. Eifrig also notes that the long-term effects of mRNA vaccines haven’t been studied. So much for the “good news.” Now to the problems, which are many.

A December 1st article on CNBC noted that 10-15% of the participants in both the Pfizer and Moderna trials experienced “significantly noticeable” side effects. In typical “Newspeak,” putting lipstick on a pig fashion, these are being recategorized as “immune responses,” which of course sounds like a good thing. One trial volunteer, for example, reported waking up with chills and shaking so hard he cracked a tooth after taking the second dose. Another reported a low grade fever and feeling “under the weather” for several days, plus after his second dosage being confined to bed with a fever over 101, plus experiencing shakes, chills, pounding headache, shortness of breath and inability to sleep.

UK regulators warn anyone with a history of severe allergic reactions to vaccines, medicines or foods to avoid the Pfizer vaccine. They say the vaccination should only be given in facilities with resuscitation capabilities. Dr. Eli Perencevich, Professor of Internal Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of Iowa has suggested that essential workers have three days of paid leave after vaccination because many will be too sick to work.


The mainstream “narrative” media has gone out of its way to supposedly debunk the claim that aborted fetal cells are used in the COVID-19 vaccines. Using a combination of deceptive semantics and technicalities that conclusion can be reached, but it isn’t really true. Some of the vaccines under development do use fetal cell lines as a growth medium for the virus during its production. As of the latest information I have (and I reserve the right to update this if I get other information), the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not use fetal cells in their development, though the AstraZeneca and others do.

So-called “debunkers” dismiss this claim by saying that the fetal cells used in vaccine development are “clones” of the original, as if there’s really a difference between cells grown in a lab and cells grown in your body that either way are originally the cells of an aborted fetus.

However, this issue extends beyond ethical concerns. There is evidence that, through possible DNA contamination, such vaccines may trigger autoimmune disease or autism * (I should add that a previous personal physician told me to absolutely never get any kind of vaccination due to having Addison’s disease — an autoimmune disease). Autism in the U. S. went from 4-5 cases per 10,000 population in 1983 to 1 in 500 by 1990. This spike occurred after the 1988 introduction of the MMR II (measles, mumps, rubella) second dose vaccine. Unlike the original MMR vaccine, MMR II was grown using aborted fetal lung tissue. An additional spike in autism incidence occurred in 1995 with the introduction of Chicken Pox vaccine — also grown on aborted fetal tissue.

There are only certain areas where the human DNA from the vaccine can be placed into a recipient’s genes. These are on the X chromosome in genes involved in nerve cell synapse formation, central nervous system development and mitochondrial function. It is speculated that since this occurs only on the X chromosome, that would explain why autism almost exclusively affects boys. Again, I know you’ve heard all the “debunkers” say there is no evidence of any relationship between vaccinations and autism — just like there’s supposedly no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election! No evidence as long as the evidence is suppressed. I might also add that the Amish (who do not believe in vaccination) basically don’t have autism, other than in adopted children who were previously vaccinated before coming to Amish homes.

I would encourage you to read Dr. Mercola’s fully documented article linked earlier, for a more complete discussion on this topic.


As noted in last week’s newsletter, the safest and most effective prevention of coronavirus infection is vitamin D (5,000 – 10,000 iu’s per day), zinc (50 -100 mg per day), buffered vitamin C (3,000 – 5,000 mg per day), plus possibly extra vitamin A, selenium, curcumin, resveratrol and other possible nutrients — for all of which I suggest individual testing as we do at Pacific Health Center.​​​​​​​

–Monte Kline, Ph.D.